Universidade Católica de Petrópolis

PhD in Education

The Course





Area of Focus:


Research Line 01: Educational Institutions, Public Policies, Educational Practices
This line of research aims to analyse the relations between public policies and educational practices in regards not only to those involved in establishing them, but also the institutions themselves in which they work, having as a focus both social processes – those already instituted and those which can be instituted, as well as the practices of these institutions.

Research Line 02: Educational Processes, Culture, Technologies
This line of research aims to analyse the relations between formal and informal education, as well as culture, focusing on issues regarding educational processes and cultural mediation: social uses of new technologies and the constitution of social processes which relate difference and inequality.


The curricular structure for the Masters Course covers a total of 24 (twenty-four) credits, minimum, comprising Core Requirements and Optative or Elective Courses.

Each student must attend and be approved:


credits in courses brought over from the Masters Course


credits in Core Requirements


credits in Elective Courses

I – 15 (fifteen) credits in Core Requirements:

  • Research methodology – 03 credits
  • Institutions and educational processes – 03 credits
  • Research seminar – 02 credits
  • Thesis supervision I- 01 credit
  • Thesis supervision II – 01 credit
  • Thesis supervision III – 01 credit
  • Thesis supervision IV – 01 credit
  • Research line optative course – required – 3 credits

II- 09 (nine) credits in Elective Courses


Core Requirements

Syllabus: Research in Education, specificities and requirements regarding its methodological aspect. Resources that are being developed to meet these specificities. The application of commonly used tools in research in Education. Special care regarding the analysis and interpretation of information and data construction. Ethics in Educational Research.

Syllabus: Educational institutions in society; globalisation and internalisation of culture; education today; school institutions at the present time. Educational processes in formal and non-formal spaces; education and cultural mediation; social practices and pedagogical practices.

Syllabus: Research: relations between theory and practice. Deepening the theoretical-methodological framework. Research dynamics and the different roles of research group members. Formulation and application of research tools. Data analysis. Writing scientific papers.

Syllabus: Supervision of the research process and follow-up on the elaboration of the Doctoral students’ thesis.

Syllabus: Supervision of the research process and follow-up on the elaboration of the Doctoral students’ thesis.

Syllabus: Supervision of the research process and follow-up on the elaboration of the Doctoral students’ thesis.

Syllabus: Supervision of the research process and follow-up on the elaboration of the Doctoral students’ thesis.

Optative Course Line 1

Syllabus: The relationship between State and civil society in the formulation of public policies. Analysis of educational policies: federative pact, social inequality and international links. Democratic education – fundamental concepts: universalisation, equity, participation and decentralization. Central issues in Brazilian educational policy: financing of education – public/private; assessment policies; education professionals – training and organisation; curriculum, cultural diversity, and identity.

Syllabus: Study of pedagogical practices in school life: subjects, knowledge, relationships, processes, times and spaces.

Syllabus: Teaching and teacher training. The teaching profession and professional identity. Socialisation. Professional development and teaching. Qualification in higher education and preparing for work as a teacher. Teaching career and work conditions.

Syllabus: Democracy as a civilising category and universal value. Rule of law. The different theoretical-epistemological approaches to the construction of democratic thought. Direct, indirect, representative, participatory and other forms of democracy. Polyarchy. Interfaces between education and democracy. Democracy, participation and organisation of education, systems, networks, and schools.

Optative Course Line 2

Syllabus: Conceptualisation of information and communication technologies (ICT) and cyberculture. Skills and competences in ICT. ICT and teacher training. Integration of ICT in the curriculum. Educational softwares. ICT and teaching and learning. Innovative teaching techniques and practices. ICT and educational institutions.

Syllabus: Conceptualization of 20th and 21st century media. Mass culture and cyberculture. Multimedia and digital education. Critical analysis and media-cultural production. Policies on accessing new media.

Syllabus: Theoretical bases of Cultural Anthropology and its implications for Education. Culture concepts in relation to pedagogical theories and practices. Links between ideology and the construction of cultural artifacts. Anthropological approach in educational research.

Syllabus: The concept of “race”; ethnic groups; ethnic-racial relations and the construction of identities; racism and the whitening ideal; ethnic-racial relations, social practices, and school life. The symbolic construction of the male/female difference; hegemonic concepts of femininity and masculinity; gender relations, social practices, and school life.

Elective Courses

Syllabus: Concepts of curriculum. The curriculum as a field of study. Traditional, critical and post-critical theories. School knowledge: selection and organisation. Curriculum, culture and identity: implications for pedagogical practice.

Syllabus: Concepts of curriculum. The curriculum as a field of study. Traditional, critical and post-critical theories. Historical studies of the curriculum. Contemporary discussions and issues.

Syllabus: Analysis of the theoretical-methodological foundations of research in Sociology of Education, focusing on the themes that have been dominating the field of this discipline, mostly on school inequality, school effectiveness, quality of teaching, and student failing rates.

Syllabus: The concept of Education in classical times. The medieval mentality and its effects on education. The assumptions of modernity and education in the modern age.

Syllabus: Introduction to the theory of values. The notions of education and instruction. The processes of knowledge, acquisition, and prioritisation of values. The interference of the imaginary and social representation in education. Technology, culture, technoculture, and education. Cross-sectional themes and ethics in education.

Syllabus: Education as a fundamental human right. Universal human rights and particular cultures. Human rights and democracy. UN declarations on human rights. Human rights in the Brazilian Constitution. Human rights, freedom of thought, conscience, and religion. Human rights and Brazilian legislation on education. Fundamental rights of children and teenagers.

Syllabus: Meaning of the image in contemporary society. Education and image: ways of seeing/reading/learning and teaching. The image in its multiple media: television, cinema, photography, painting, writing. Image and imagination. Narratives and narrators in the contemporary context.

Syllabus: The intervention of writing and the literate mind. Considerations on the study of writing. Orality, writing, and power. Literature and identity. Fiction and knowledge. Reading groups and educating readers. For a pedagogy of reading.

Syllabus: Textual understanding and interpretation. Hermeneutics and analysis. Text and context. Theme. Thesis and text. Concept maps. Annotating academic texts, summarising, reviewing. Types of academic text. Developing a writing plan. Elaboration: development, introduction and conclusion. Versions and revisions.

Syllabus: This topic will be offered from a specific theme and/or author from the Humanities field with a recognised social contribution to the area, also considering the affinity with ongoing researches in the programme, as well as the main theory disputes (classic or contemporary) in the field of education.

Syllabus: This topic will be offered from a specific theme and/or author from the Humanities field with a recognised social contribution to the area, also considering the affinity with ongoing researches in the programme, as well as the main theory disputes (classic or contemporary) in the field of education.

(*) A tradução desta página para a língua inglesa foi contratada e realizada com recursos da Fundação Carlos Ghagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa no Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ), no âmbito do Programa Jovem Cientista do Nosso Estado, em projeto de pesquisa coordenado pelo Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Garrido.